These rules, called the Mount Carmel CMI School Services Rules take effect from June 1,2005 and apply to every employee in the service of the school in the aforesaid date and also those who join service thereafter.
All employees of the school are employees of Mater Dei Educational and Charitable Trust and shall be bound by the decisions and orders issued by the Executive Committee of the Trust from time to time.
All employees of the school will be governed by the terms and conditions of their appointment covered by these Service Rules.
Each employee shall enter into a service contract with the employer at the time of appointment to the effect that the employee shall abide by the service rules of the school
The employer reserves the right to amend, alter or add to any of these rules without assigning any reason thereto. Such amendments shall be binding on all employees of the school with effect from the date fixed.
In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context.
Mount Carmel CMI Central School belonging to Christian minority and come within the purview of Article 30,Clause 1 of the Constitution of India.Employer means the Mater Dei Educational and Charitable Trust represented by its executive committee.Management means the executive committee of the Mount Carmel Educational and Charitable Trust.
Manager who is the appointing authority of the schools.
Principal means the person appointed as such by the manager for any of the school in consultation with the Executive Committee for a specific term of office from time to time. He is directly responsible for the implementation of the rules, regulations, policies, objectives and the development schemes of the school.
Employees include all categories of employees such as teachers and non teaching members on the staff.
Regular employees means those who are absorbed in the regular service of the school after satisfactory completion of probation in one year/two years of contract period.
Employees on contract means those who are appointed on contract for a specified period on specific terms as probationary employees .
Pay means the monthly basic pay.
Allowances means Dearness allowances and other allowances sanctioned by the employees.
Emoluments means the total amount including the basic pay and the allowance drawn by the employee from time to time.
Academic year means the year beginning with the school reopening day after summer vacation and terminating on the last day before summer vacation.
Note:- What is said in these rules in respect of teachers shall apply mutatis mutandis to every other category of employees.
All the appointments will be made on the basis of a selection or promotion through a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose. The selection committee shall include
The Manager
The Head of the School
A nominee of the Provincial Educational Department
A subject expert
The appointment order will be issued by the Manager.
Every employee shall be required to produce the following certificates on appointment in the school.
Medical certificate of fitness from a medical officer approved by the school management.
Two certificate from educationists or any other respectable members of the society , not related to the candidates, certifying the character and conduct to the satisfaction of the school authorities.
Original degree / diploma certificates along with certificates of experiences , if any , with attested photocopies there of. Original certificates will be returned after verification.
Except in the case of a purely temporary vacancy or leave vacancy or for a specific post of temporary nature, every employee shall on initial appointment be on contract for a period up to the end of the academic year from the date of his/her joining the duty.The period of contract may be extended by the committee for a further period not exceeding one year. Services of an employee during contract may be terminated by the committee without assigning any reason by giving one month’s notice in writing or one month’s salary including all allowances in lieu notice.
If the work and conduct of an employee during the perid of contract are found to be satisfactory,benefits will become eligible for regularisation on the expiry of the period of contract or the extended period of contract as the case may be , with effect from the date of expiry of the side period provided he/she fulfils other requiste conditions subject to the requirement of the school and availability of vacancy.
There will be two categories of teachers- Resident and non- resident. The classification will be decided by the employer from time to time. All resident teachers shall live in the boarding home or within the school campus and undertake special duties assigned to them in connection with the boarding in addition to the school work. Resident staff may be required to stay in the campus to attend duties assigned during any part of the vacation.
If an employee at any time after regularisation intends to resign he/she shall give three months notice in writing or three month’s salary including all allowances to the committee. No such notice shall be given in the last term of the academic year.The committee shall also be competent to terminate the service of a regular employee in case of aboloition of a post due to closing down of school.
Every employee shall retire from service on attaining the super annuation age of 55 likes under the age categories of employees of aided / government schools in the state.
The management may reappoint a retired hand for one year at a time but not beyond 65 if he/she has no mental or physical disabilities, if his/ her services are found be beneficial to the school.
The working days and holidays will be as notified in the school calendar on the recommendation of the school Managing Committee
The working hours will be such as may be specified from time to time by the Principal on the advice of the school Managing Committee
An employee is also required to conduct and organise co-curricular activities and programmes and as when required.
Normally a teacher should be engaged as a whole time employee except in special cases because of the nature of a subject where the work load does not justify a whole time teacher.
Provided that if any teacher is required to devote more than 1200 hours to the teaching of students extra renumeration shall be paid to him at such rate as may be determined
A teacher is expected to maintain the following documents and also any other record as may be specified from time to time.
Personal Log Book and Class Log Book, programme of instruction and lesson plans.
Cumulative result of his/her class.
Stock Register of properties held by him/her.
Every employee is expected to reach the school punctually and sign the attendance register before the working of the school begins and also mark the time of departure.
An employee who has not signed the attendance register as above is liable to be considered duty for that day
The employees are required to become members of the Contributory Provident Fund Scheme under the Employees Provident Fund Act.
Leave without allowance may be sanctioned in deserving cases subject to the condition that not more than 30 days at a time and 60 days in a year shall be granted. During the first years of appointment, the above periods shall be sanctioned.
Every employee shall submit a joining report on reporting for duty. The management, on the recommendation of the Principal, may grant study leave to any member of the staff to undergo further study or training, provided such studies is beneficial to the school.
Every employee shall be governed by Code of Conduct. The following acts shall constitute code of conduct
Habitual late coming and negligence of duty
Frequent absence with or without leave, use of abusive language, quarrelsome and riotous behaviour
Using of liquor or narcotics in the school premises
Conviction by a court of law for criminal offense
Diverging confidential matters relating to school
Carrying on personal monetary transactions among themselves with the students and/or with the parent
Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The sanctioning authority will have the discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any description or to recall to duty any employee on leave according to the service in the school.
A teacher can take casual leave or any special reasons up to a maximum of 15 days as a calendar year while a member on the non teaching can take casual leave up to a maximum of 20days a year. The Principal shall be competent to grant casual leave to all the school employees. The Manager will be the sanctioning authority for casual leave of the Principal.
Further female employee is eligible for maternity leave for three months with pay and allowances during the period of her service in the school. Maternity leave , if required more than twice also
Service book containing factual record of the employee, salary scale,increments, promotions, leave record any disciplinary actions or reward etc shall be maintained for each employee on the form prescribed by the Education Directorate of the State Cocerned. The signature of the employee shall be obtained for entries in the service book.
There will be parallel assessment of the performance of the teachers , both on contract and on regular basis by the Principal and an external inspection commission appointed by the Management every year.
Personal files shall be maintained by the school for each employee. The original certificate / degrees shall be returned to the employees after verification and Photostat copies kept in the personal files. School authorities shall not keep the original certificate with him the employees should produce their originals as and when requested by the management.